"Happiness is stumbling around drunk down on the farm"

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Posted by: TheBuddha
« on: December 07, 2018, 16:43:32 PM »

And, I have no idea why the text is formatted that way after the code tag. Not a clue. Ain't even gonna worry about it right now!

There's a new version of SMF coming down the pipes sometime soonish and they'll be fixing the theme implementations. I also suck at CSS and HTML. I'm much happier buried in code.

By the way, @MrHarryReems... Why doesn't your site have a security certificate?

LOL PM me with what you're currently paying to host that site and what your needs/specs are. We'll see if we can make some sort of arrangement. I'm not allowed to run a free webhosting company, but I don't have to charge much!

Almost all of my domains are on their own reseller accounts. I like to keep things distinct. I've got shittons of hosting. Like, I've got a lot of it. I've got full cPanel and WHM (which you'd not need that) and whatnot. It's just push a button and you've got a LetsEncrypt certificate installed.

Posted by: TheBuddha
« on: December 07, 2018, 16:39:24 PM »

Note, edited to fix the URL.

Code: [Select]
[url=https://example.tld]text description[/url]

You can also just paste the URL.


It will automatically link it. If it's behaving well, it'll even fetch the title - such as Friday Night Guitar Thread Community (Made by typing https:// (ignore this) fngt.gq)

Posted by: MrHarryReems
« on: December 07, 2018, 16:16:33 PM »

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