General Category > Recording and Production

Experiencing a weird issue with recording

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That's really helpful, thanks. My interface should show up next week sometime.

@SandHog Did you end up going with the one you mentioned above? You could also link it. You could also write a review about it, once you have used it a bit. In fact, I'm going to make a gear review category.

Yeah, I took @MrHarryReems advice and went with the Behringer Uphoria Hmm, I'm missing something with the link formatting; it's not what I am accustomed to. Anyway, that's the interface I picked. I may do a review on it from a beginners perspective at some point. We'll see.

LOL I made you the mod of the reviews section! Do a good job and you'll figure it out as you go along. What link formatting are you having issues with? You can just paste the URL and, on a good day, it'll even get the title for you - that kind of depends on how quickly the other site responds. It's time limited, so slow sites just post the URL but fast enough sites will post the actual title. Music For Us! | Celebrating the connections. (that should do it just fine).

Hey, wait a minute...I see what you did there! You are a tricksy one Buddha. Very tricksy indeed! For the links I'm used to using brackets for the link text and then parenthesis around the actual hyperlink itself; like on Voat. My mic came in the mail today. Hopefully the interface shows up sooner rather than later so I can get a chance to fiddle around with it and figure out the basics before Friday. Ended up going to my uncle's place in the mountains this last weekend for a poker game with the old folks so I missed all the fun Friday.


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