"When I was a child, I caught a fleeting glimpse
Out of the corner of my eye
I turned to look, but it was gone
I cannot put my finger on it now
The child is grown
The dream is gone"

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Messages - popticalillusion

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2023 Archives / Re: 07-07-2023 - FNGT Archives - 2023
« on: July 11, 2023, 13:09:59 PM »

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2023 Archives / 07-07-2023 - FNGT Archives - 2023
« on: July 11, 2023, 13:09:53 PM »

   Oh, guess what? Chicken butt! Ha! I crack me up. Either way, it's Friday and that means it's time for the Friday Night Guitar Thread! You know how to make music, but do you know how to share it with your peers?

   TheRealBuddha  Hello and welcome to another FNGT! I have something that hasn't been shared in a while, a lovely little classical piece that's actually hard (but fun) to play.  Bach BWV 1004 (TB)  Y'all should enjoy that.  Rock on, Goats! Rock on!

   popticalillusion  I did before and after mixes of this song. This is the Guitar Pro version of Def Leppard's Armageddon It (GP). Then I listened to the original recording, decided on some changes in the sound, and replaced most of the guitar tracks. Def Leppard Armageddon It

   Sleazy  Hello to everyone. This week has been nuts so I will share a song my buddy Chris and I played a while back that has never been heard here, Daniel Johnson's Mean Girls Give Pleasure

   151 comments and 15 upvotes


  Although the post has aged, the information contained is still helpful in solving the issue I was having that was really similar to this. I have an inexpensive USB microphone, that I had moved from my original recording setup position, and I had hung it from the strap on the amplifier as I used to do with my old standard microphone. That's when the weird noises began!

  I use a soft styrofoam, similar to a kids pool floaty but with a hole down the middle and a slit cut from end to end. Then I run the mic cable through the hole or slit and shove the microphone into the hole at one end. I face my 2 amps towards each other about a foot apart (Not recommended if you use both at the same time!) and place the mic on the floor in a position near which ever amp I am using. The soft foam seems to reduce vibrations caused by the amp which seems to have caused the weird noise or interference I was getting. The positioning of the amplifiers allows me to reduce outside noise by boxing in the mic between the amps.

    I didn't need to go as far as purchasing the interface which was spoken of in the comments. I did download the Cakewalk software and I am enjoying using it over the Audacity software I had previously used.

  Thanks for the tips and I hope this post helps someone else in the future.

2023 Archives / Re: 06-30-2023 - FNGT Archives - 2023
« on: July 07, 2023, 00:18:11 AM »

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2023 Archives / 06-30-2023 - FNGT Archives - 2023
« on: July 07, 2023, 00:18:05 AM »

   This week's Friday Night Guitar Thread is being opened early. Why? Because my ISP sucks donkey balls. You know what doesn't suck donkey balls? Sharing music with your peers! Come share some music you've made!

   Therealbuddha  Hello and welcome to another Friday Night Guitar Thread! Like normal, we'll go ahead and get you started.  I haven't shared this in a while, but it's one of my favorite recordings. It's also one of my favorite songs.  GnR Welcome To The Jungle (EH #1; J B; TB #2 & P)  How can anyone not like that song?!? I think we gave it a solid treatment. It's filed outside of the usual folders, so it's seldom enjoyed by other people. So, I figured I'd share it here tonight. After all, it's not like I have anything new!  Enjoy and rock on, Goats! Rock on!

   Sleazy  Drunken Debauchery

   My friend Chris came over earlier this week with his Aunt and we got way too fucked up to record anything LoL so here is a song I never shared here that I wrote and recorded a year or two ago. Believe

   140 comments and 23 Upvotes

2023 Archives / Re: 06-23-2023 - FNGT Archives - 2023
« on: June 26, 2023, 19:40:05 PM »

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2023 Archives / 06-23-2023 - FNGT Archives - 2023
« on: June 26, 2023, 19:39:59 PM »

   The time is right and it is Friday night, that means it's the Friday Night Guitar Thread! Come join us in sharing the music that we make! We want to hear you play something. It doesn't even have to be good. Make some noise. Join the fun!

  Sleazy  Hello again everybody. Since it is now Summer. You need to get a whole bunch of beer, and invite all your friends over, and all get drunk in your Backyard

   Fuck you! I'm a Rock Star!

   TheRealBuddha  So, how about a track without any guitar? That sounds like a good idea! This time, you can listen to me drum. If you're careful, you can count along with it. If you do so, you'll see the challenges associated. I wasn't just randomly smashing drums.  Riding With The Metro Gnome  Due to a recording error, that was cut off partway through and the rest is lost to history. So, it is what it is.  Enjoy and rock on Goats! Rock on!

   popticalillusion  I didn't get all the editing finished, but I wanted to share the progress as of today. Free All Right Now. I got the microphone and the guitar working, and even learned how to eliminate the amp buzzzz that is so annoying. I should be able to replace the solo guitar part later and sync the tracks better.

   Sleazy  I am not sure what that is about.  Yellow Submarine

   popticalillusion  I have a much better version of All Right Now ready to go now. My recording program crapped out, so I had to learn some basics on the new program I am switching to. <-This is why the first version wasn't as good.

2023 Archives / Re: 06-16-2023 - FNGT Archives - 2023
« on: June 20, 2023, 08:18:31 AM »

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2023 Archives / 06-16-2023 - FNGT Archives - 2023
« on: June 20, 2023, 08:18:23 AM »

   Well, it ate my first post... It's time for the FNGT! Come join us! Any skill level welcome (seriously). Come join your peers and share your music. If you're nervous, man up and play me a song! Once again, it's time for the FNGT!

   TheRealBuddha  Hello and welcome to another Friday Night Guitar Thread! As is often the case, we'll go ahead and get you started.  This week's track is a bit different. First, while Biff did the mixing, I played all the instruments. I'm grateful for her mixing, she did an excellent job - but she usually does. Man, that makes my recording life easier.  So, here's the track - but there's more to it, so listen carefully:  Ripped to Pieces (TB)  Listen to the guitar. There's something distinctly different. If you can figure it out on your first guess, I will be impressed.  ~thows horns~  Rock on, Goats! Rock on!

   Sleazy  Here is a song I wrote and recorded that never been shared here. Precipice

   Here is a song from the last time my friend Chris was here. It is from an artist you would never expect us to cover. Baby


  I'm so glad that you all have saved these posts because my microphone issue is very similar to this. Now I have a good place to start. Hopefully it will help resolve the issue


  Very nice! I love having a computer station for ALL my music needs. I am saving so much space, I can connect with my cell phone and tablet, and i love digital production compared to my old 4-track. I am actually streaming to my radio station servers in this photo.

2023 Archives / Re: 06-09-2023 - FNGT Archives - 2023
« on: June 13, 2023, 19:45:26 PM »

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2023 Archives / 06-09-2023 - FNGT Archives - 2023
« on: June 13, 2023, 19:45:10 PM »

   Well my grampa hes 95, he keeps on dancing, he's still alive. Well my grandma, she's 92, she likes to dance, and sing some too. Well I don't know, but I been told, if you keep on dancing, you'll never grow old. So come on darlin, put a pretty dress on, we're having a Guitar Thread its Friday Night!

   Sleazy  My friend Chris came over this week and we jammed out and drank beer all night long. Here were are playing Steve Millers song Dance, Dance, Dance

   popticalillusion  I had to do some direct recording, from the amp to the computer, so I picked an easy tune to get used to the new method of recording. AC/DC Dirty Deeds

   TheRealBuddha  I don't have anything new - but I have something that's definitely new to this site.  I don't play weddings, but I made an exception at one wedding - which was my own. I had my band there and it seemed like a good thing to do.  This isn't really a song, it's just us jamming out. You should enjoy it:

   ChatCPT   What up. I played this negro song. It's a good guitar song, I think. Pretty fun to play once you get up to speed, which takes a while. You Got to Walk That Lonesome Valley aka Lonesome Valley.

   Sleazy  This one is such a melancholy song. Southbound Train

   Here is a Tom Petty song we jammed the other night, 13 Days

   Here is another one from the other night. This one my woman sang the Bob Wills part on the old, old classic, San Antonio Rose

   Here we are jamming out If you're going to be dumb, you go to be tough

   We played all night, as I said earlier, here we are playing Stay A Little Longer

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2023 Archives / Re: 06-02-2023 - FNGT Archives - 2023
« on: June 05, 2023, 19:22:14 PM »

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2023 Archives / 06-02-2023 - FNGT Archives - 2023
« on: June 05, 2023, 19:22:08 PM »

   Hmm... I'm not sure if you realize this, but today is Friday. That means it's time to smoke crack and worship Satan! Wait, no... No, that's hot what today is for. Today is when we have the Friday Night Guitar Thread! We like players of all skill levels, so come on in!

   TheRealBuhddha  Hello and welcome to another Friday Night Guitar Thread! Like normal, we'll go ahead and get you started!  Initially, I didn't have anything new for this thread - but I did have some stubs and some time. So, while a bit rushed, we'll go ahead and share something new (and original) this week. It's nice to share original work, right? So, why not share some this time around!  A Lesson in G min (The Usual Suspects)  While that's a bit rushed, we hope you still enjoy it. It's not nearly as complicated as it sounds. If you can play Thunderstruck, you can probably get your head around this one.  Rock on, Goats! Rock the fuck on!

   Cheap_beer  I was setting up my recording laptop and just playing around with my new electric drum kit.  My timing and rhythm are off but after 25 years I didn't expect much.  My Rust

   Sleazy  Hello everyone. Here is a song that I wrote and recorded a while back.  It's about something I think we all can relate to...  Crazy Women

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