When a man lies, 
he murders some part of the world. 
These are the pale deaths, which men miscall their lives.
All this I cannot bear to witness any longer; 
cannot the kingdom of salvation take me home?

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Messages - popticalillusion

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2023 Archives / 09-01-2023 - FNGT Achives - 2023
« on: September 30, 2023, 18:26:07 PM »

   It is time for the long Holiday Weekend Version of the Friday Night Guitar Thread. Grab a guitar and play some happy barbequing and drinking music! Make us want to get up and dance! Everybody is welcome! Any skill level, any instrument! Come on in here! Lets get this party started!

   TheRealBuddha  You posted this to 'whatever'...  I don't have enough bandwidth to fix it.  Here's a track from long ago:

   MasterSuppresionTechnique  Have a great labor day weekend, everybody.  My Song!

   I do it all. I just like to jam loud when no one is around.  Here is before the guitars...  I usually just use a looper.

   Sleazy  The other night my buddy Chris came over and we jammed out and had a few beers. Here is the Dead Kennedys Police Van

   Hall_of_Cost  Spacey jams

   Sleazy  We did one more thing I think I dont think he said any words and I dont know what it was, all he sang was oooooh ooooooh ooooooh

   Last week I shared a version of my friend Chris and I playing the Misfits song Where Eagles Dare, and when Chris came over this week he said he thinks we can do it better, so we played it again, this time with drums! LoL Eagles Dare

   Views: 217


   SCP: 21

   22 upvotes, 1 downvotes (95.65% upvoted)

2023 Archives / Re: 08 - 25 - 2023 FNGT Archives - 2023
« on: September 23, 2023, 12:41:54 PM »

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2023 Archives / 08-25-2023 - FNGT Archives - 2023
« on: September 23, 2023, 12:41:33 PM »

   Tonight marks the 6th year anniversary for the Friday Night Guitar Thread! Damned right, we've done this for a long time! In fact, it has been a very long time! Come join us in celebrating. Come share a track. Come sing us a song!

   TheRealBuddha  So, what can I say?  On August 20th, 2017, I asked a simple question on Voat - in the guitar sub. I asked, "Is this where we share our work?" Then, I asked another question, something about if we should do this on a regular basis. It was agreed that we should, though it'd be a while longer before it became a truly weekly event.  We've now surpsassed the 6 year mark. I can't think of any other recurring grassroots event that has gone on this long. It is not without bias that I say this is an excellent thing.  We've held our Friday Night Guitar Thread on various sites over the years. Each time we're evicted, we regroup and find each other again. We've had births and deaths along the way. We've had marriages and seen our children grow into adults. We've done all this while ensuring the thread gets posted every single week - without fail. 

   It is in that spirit that I decided to play one of the hardest classical pieces I know. It's a Paco de Lucia arrangement, a celebration of life itself.  Zapateado (TB)

   Speaking of weddings, we can thank the missus for mixing and recording that. Without her, it'd sound much worse.  So, celebrate the six years we've had and let's look forward to another year.  Rock on, Goats! Rock on!

   Hall_of_Cost  When I got out of the joint, I was happy to see voat was still bleating. I noticed no guitar thread, but then you came back! And yeah I'm usually a bit late but I still appreciate this and I love how long we've been checking out each other's tunes. Did I [try to show my pathetic attempt or] play Layla on my first share? Or maybe I shared this: Which I was a raging drunk back then and Buddha asked what I played that song on. I told him it was my epiphone les paul special II through a peavey rage all knobs at 10. And he replied something like, "Sounds like it!" Lmao! I still get a kick out of that

   ChunkyChicken  Not much but it's more than I've done in years. Been lurking for awhile so I guess I should post more which I guess means I need to put my rig back together. Always love what folks post. There's no place like G28

   CamelsMiller  Hiya, been a while. I came across me playing a bass trying to write a riff. Don't believe I've shared this before.

   And I'll add one I don't believe I shared before

   Sleazy  This week my buddy Chris came by, and started rapping, so I played a beat and recorded this nonsense... I'm not a rapper, man

   MasterSuppressionTechnique  I call this one, "The Little Club".

   Sleazy  Then we played some punk rock, the Misfits, Where Eagles Dare

   Hall_of_Cost  Happy anniversary goats! Here's a couple of videos of me messing with my (new to me) amp the night I brought it home. Ome video is blind melon deserted intro, the other is some riffs I'm hoping to string into a song for Space Weapon a little project I'm doing to learn some basic recording stuff and I just like concept albums and after I heard Time by ELO, I always wanted to make my own concept album. I'd heard other concept albums like from pink Floyd and The Kinks, even Lord Huron. Check out Time though it's an interesting and underrated album. Also a little thin lizzy dicking around at the end of that one.  Post 1  Post 2

   Traffic Stats  Views: 332

   Score  SCP: 34

   35 upvotes, 1 downvotes (97.22% upvoted)

2023 Archives / Re: 08-19-2023 - FNGT Archives - 2023
« on: August 26, 2023, 16:41:17 PM »

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2023 Archives / 08-18-2023 - FNGT Archives - 2023
« on: August 26, 2023, 16:41:09 PM »

   It's Friday night and my ISP sucks. So, it's close enough! I'm going to start the thread a little early, 'cause I know I'm connected! So, come rock out with your online buddies and share some music you made!

   TheRealBuddha  Hello and welcome to another Friday Night Guitar thread. Like normal, we'll go ahead and get you started.  This week, we have something new. Imagine that! It's not a song all of you will know - but you should know it. It's a great song!  Buckcherry - Crazy Bitch (B #1 & B; TB # 2 & P)  If you're unfamiliar with the song, look up the original on YouTube. Also, you should hear Biff sing this song. It cracks me up, but she belts it out and actually does a good job at it. No, she was unwilling to record a vocal track to add into the mix. I asked...  Rock on, Goats! Rock on!

   Sleazy  I just got home. The other day Chris came by and we jammed out for a while, he had to check out the new to me, half stack speaker cabinet a friend gave to me not too long ago. I had a 1959 ten watt tube amp head sitting on a shelf doing nothing so that was perfect.  Now you can hear how it sounds a little bit, as Chris found these lyrics on the music stand written in female handwriting and we made a song to sing them to. Walking Around

   Here is an original composition by me.

   Oh yeah, the last time I visited Verle one of his friends had a guitar and we played, Throw The jew Down The Well!

   webofslime  Right-Handed Lightning Whelk  My brother is getting older and is having all kinds of feelings about his legacy and wants to make an "Outlaw" country album, so I started trying to find "my sound" for it.

   California Coi Fish  Thanks for checking it out. Have a good week.

   17 Upvotes 157 Comments

2023 Archives / Re: 08-11-2023 - FNGT Archives - 2023
« on: August 15, 2023, 01:51:03 AM »

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2023 Archives / 08-11-2023 - FNGT Archives - 2023
« on: August 15, 2023, 01:50:46 AM »

   The weeks sure seem to fly by so very quickly in the summer time. It is Friday again already! Welcome to the Friday Night Guitar Thread. This is where we want to hear your musical ability. Grab a musical instrument and a cell phone and play us a song! We're not picky! We just want to hear some music

   Sleazy  I was home alone with my girlfriend last night so I decided to serenade her with A little help from my friends

   TheRealBuddha  Here, have some Avenged Sevenfold, a song chosen by Biff (again): Nightmare   Man, I fucking hate my ISP

   10 Upvotes and 53 comments

2023 Archives / Re: 08-04-2023 FNGT Archives - 2023
« on: August 09, 2023, 00:55:05 AM »

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2023 Archives / 08-04-2023 FNGT Archives - 2023
« on: August 09, 2023, 00:55:00 AM »

   It is the Friday Night Guitar Thread. Can't celebrate live unless you're alive. I'm at a friend's waiting with him for his mom to die. Share some music with us and take our minds off of life for a moment...

   Sleazy  Throw the jew down the well

   TheRealBuddha  I don't know why it's in /whatever, but it is.  I specifically asked @Sleazy to open this one as I kinda have a guest.  So, with that in mind, have a song that Biff picked and was recorded a while ago... Halestorm Apocalyptic  I'll check in as time allows.

   Hall_of_Cost  I haven't written any new songs for my space rock opera but I still record some- I just practice and try to get creative.  I recently picked up some old tape recorders, a tascam Porta 02 mkII. Lol. And a yamaha mt1x that has a common problem with the mechanism I might take it to get repaired. I'm just trying to get a hang of the physical process and see how it is. Anyway, I am trying to come up with a couple of songs from the bad guy's perspective. This 30 second clip is from one of those sessions and I might work more at it to turn into a song for the bad guy. This Weapon

   23 upvotes and 76 comments

2023 Archives / Re: 07-28-2023 - FNGT - Archives
« on: July 31, 2023, 23:07:59 PM »

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2023 Archives / 07-28-2023 - FNGT Archives - 2023
« on: July 31, 2023, 23:07:51 PM »

   The person who was going to open the thread has gone missing. That's fine. I've got it! Come join the FNGT and jam out!

   TheRealBuddha  For expediency's sake... Have some AC/DC!

   Sleazy  My singing sucks. I tried singing this song on my porch for my woman and I recorded it and it sounded like shit. So I tried it again, only this time, I sang it in falsetto. LoL It's horrible. I am warning you. It doesnt even sound like me singing. American Music

   popticalillusion  I have another remixed song where I added the vocal track using the AI tool to separate it from the originally released recording. I also did some more work to improve the other tracks I got from Guitar Pro and my guitar tracks that I had added to the song. AC/DC Dirty Deeds.

   Hall_of_Costs  Her Majesty  PM me if you want to join a bandlab band - no obligation. It'll be awesome!

   drhitler  i should post more often  anyway, here is a finger picking rendition of a popular pop song, guess the song

   sguevar  Hello guys, I am sorry, I have been off for so long, house, daughter, church, work. In all very busy.  I know it is late but here is one recording I just did, Amazing Grace in Spanish. Hope you like it, God bless!

   21 Upvotes 98 Comments

2023 Archives / Re: 07-21-2023 - FNGT Archives - 2023
« on: July 24, 2023, 19:09:45 PM »

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2023 Archives / 07-21-2023 - FNGT Archives - 2023
« on: July 24, 2023, 19:09:39 PM »

   Hmm... Did you check a calendar today? If so, do you know that it's Friday? If you know that it's Friday, you should also know that it's time for the Friday Night Guitar Thread! It's time to rock out with your peers!

   TheRealBuddha  How about a blast from the past? Below is the exact submission we made back in the day...  Once again, I have no idea how long I'll be with you tonight. It kinda depends on how my granddaughter is doing and how I am doing. I have a baby!  This week, be prepared to have your socks knocked off as The EH & TB Band cover RHCP's Soul To Squeeze!  If you listen carefully, you'll hear EH doing the rhythm (that's the first guitar you'll hear) and then later doing a second backing track where she also covers part of the lead. This is not an easy song to learn and she learned it with remarkable speed.  "I started to learn it on Sunday. It didn't even take many hours!"  Yeah, yeah... Go ahead and just ignore the guy that covered the lead and also covered one of the greatest bassists on the planet. Just give her her damned roses and I'll type on her behalf. It's okay, I'm used to it! ;-)  This is my guitar student in whom I am well pleased. Yes, yes I am.  Rock on, goats. Rock on!

   Sleazy  The other night my woman was plucking at the banjo here and I told her I was going to record what she was playing for the FNGT!  So I played along with all the instruments I could find laying around the dining room table!  Lets Play Land Shark

   My woman found this little electric kids piano that has music box sound when you play it. What the Fuck, Man?

   popticalillusion  I went back to my very first song and used an AI tool from Bandlabs to extract the vocals, bass, and drums from the original recording. I added the tracks to my guitar recording and then done some work syncing the tracks and improving the way they sound. Stone Temple Pilots Plush from the Core release.

   21 Upvotes and 86 Comments

2023 Archives / Re: 07-14-2023 - FNGT Archives - 2023
« on: July 17, 2023, 21:45:38 PM »

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2023 Archives / 07-14-2023 - FNGT Archives - 2023
« on: July 17, 2023, 21:45:30 PM »

   I would like to cordially welcome you all to another edition of the Friday Night Guitar Thread. It is time to create a mad racket! A cacophony of hoots, cackles, and wails. And we are inviting you to join in the fun. Make some noise and share it with the people. Any skill level. Any instrument.

   Sleazy  Here is a blast from the past from old VOAT. Several of us back in the days of old came up with a hundred and some ways to 50 Ways To Kill Your Lover, improve upon that song.

  Hello everyone. Here is my buddy Verle singing something or other She Drove Me Crazy

   148 comments and 18 upvotes

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