"Standing on a hill in my mountain of dreams,
Telling myself it's not as hard, hard, hard as it seems

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2023 Archives / 02-10-2023 - FNGT Archives - 2023
« on: May 06, 2023, 21:29:17 PM »

   I know you know what day it is. It's Friday! It's time for the Friday Night Guitar Thread. Come join the mayhem, or maybe not... It might be a mild thread tonight.

   TheBuhdda  Well, for reasons, it's up to me to open the thread tonight. That's okay. I'll make it work! Like normal, we'll go ahead and get you started!  This track you have maybe heard once. It too was in a very odd spot on the site, so it'd not get referenced much. This is one of the songs Biff wanted to record, but it's not terrible. The band isn't that bad and I can see why people would like them.  Halestorm - Apocalyptic (B #1 & B; TB #2 & P)  Once again, the real world prevented us from having anything new. We are truly working on something! We just kinda suck at finishing it. It's more than just me, I'll have you know.  Anyhow...  Rock on, Poalr Bears! Rock on!

   hit-n-run  Damn fellers. Those cats that did the Frosties last Sunday were quite taken by you all. They talked about doing a weekly get together to shoot the shit and they wanted to do it on Fridays but didn't wanna compete with you cats. Much respect. They chose Saturdays at 11 pm eastern.  I did this song called My Favorite Memory by Merle Haggard  I love sanging and playing this song.

   Minimalarch  Well I been down for awhile but I'm back fellers how everyone is doing good. This one is called Help Me  It's my argument with devil and prayer to Jesus.

   Grandmacaesar  I had this song on "replay" in my head all week, so I decided to cover it.  Hurricane Smith's (Oh Babe) What Would You Say?

   Crazy  Hello everyone. I missed you all last week. I forgot my phone at home and was out away from home all night. I don't have anything new for you, so I decided to share a blast from the past. This was from five years ago, well actually five years and one day. Just goes to show, the more things change the more they stay the same. Midnight Special

2023 Archives / 02-03-2023 - FNGT Archives - 2023
« on: May 06, 2023, 21:08:37 PM »

   Guess what day it is?!? It's Friday night! Put on your dancing shoes and come jam with us, as it's time for the Friday Night Guitar Thread!!!

   TheBuhdda  Well, it looks like I'm opening the thread tonight! That's okay. Welcome to another FNGT. Like normal, we'll go ahead and get you started. We came really close to having something new this week, but then I was busy with cars and some snow storms. It's currently pretty cold and I'll have some windchill temperatures that'd blow your fuckin' mind. (Where I am, I might see -70° when you calculate the windchill).  So, I have something you've probably only heard once - 'cause it was filed before the /rock directory was even separated into categories on my sharing site... Avenged Sevenfold - Nightmare (EH #1 & 3; TB #2)  Rock on, Poalr Bears! Rock on!

   Blehblehbleh73  Here, sorry in advance for your ears lol  Blehblehbleh73

   Grandmacaesar  I spent a little time messin' with a Boss Giga Delay yesterday and I did this.  Blue Retriever

   hit-n-run  Hey everybody. Hope you all are chillin'. I used DADGAD tuning to play this. It flows pretty good with that tuning. I like it.  Norwegian Wood - Beatles

2023 Archives / 01-27-2023 - FNGT Archives - 2023
« on: May 04, 2023, 20:05:43 PM »

   That's right, it's Friday! It's a day when we get together and share the music we've worked on. If you're interested in joining us, we're mostly helpful and welcoming - regardless of skill level. Mostly...

   TheBuhdda  I actually might have something new when January is over, but this month is a busy month for me and one that I take off. January is my month. Ah well...  This hasn't been shared in a while.  Jethro Tull Locomotive Breath (EH #2; TB #1; & Guests).  Rock on Poalr Bears! Rock on!

   Grandmacaesar  Hi guys.  I hope everyone has all their papers in order.  Fucking paperwork.  Anyway I slapped this together and stuck a name to it today.  Zeppelin to Heaven.

   MrHarryReems  Aloha folks!  Thought I'd drop in and share the new single/video we released earlier this week in honor of Robert Burns day.  Hope it's well received.  Red, Red Rose (Official Music Video) The Kilt Lifters

   hit-n-run  Hey fellers. Glad to see you all survived another week without getting killed by the po'leece. How do you all manage? Axing for a friend.  I love YT for learning songs. Had TABS from a magazine from back in the day but they sucked. My plucking fingers started hurting so this is the best I could do.  Little Martha-Duane Allman

   Crazy  My dining room mic wouldn't work and I couldn't find the back up so I just used my phone, which has a terrible mic, it cuts off everything above 4000hz its just nothing above that frequency, shitty  One Love

   Well that took forever. Be Careful, It's Hot

2023 Archives / 01-20-2023 - FNGT Archives - 2023
« on: May 04, 2023, 19:29:34 PM »

   You got your bitches with the silicone injections, Crystal meth and yeast infections. Bleached blond hair, collagen lip projections..." That's right! It's time for the Friday Night Guitar Thread! Everyone's welcome!

   TheBuhdda  Hello and welcome to another FNGT! Yup, I'm opening a guitar thread in January. I never do that. January is my traditional vacation, but I'm not doing all that much vacationing. I did do a lot of 'work' at the Kissimmee auction, but that's over with.  Here's a song that has been shared before, but not in a long time. It has been so long that I had to upload it, so it has been a minute since anyone has heard this:  Black Sabbath - Paranoid

   Gransmacaesar  Hi guys, I hope all is well or at least acceptable.  This week I learned that car batteries have doubled in price since the last time I had to buy one. I wrote another song.  It's called Hubcap

   bopper  An incredible rendition of Lawdy Miss Clawdy, there's probably nothing else like it (if you get my drift).  Lawdy Miss lawdy

   Crazy  Here we are all playing that one 4 non blonde's song What's Up?

   hit-n-run  Wee dogee. That's what Jed Clampett says. Anyway, this is Beverly HIllbillies. A guy a YT taught the banjo part on guitar and I really liked it so I lernt it. Beverly Hillbillies

   Crazy  We played a drunken version of my original song Rock Star

   This is what it sounds like here after having consumed two cases of Budweiser.

   My friend Chris came over one night earlier this week, and we were joined by some of our friends and a couple of cases of Budweiser.  Here tonight, I have an excellent example of the effects of Budweiser, as Chris and I were playing this song weille weille waille when the friends started walking in. We were not intoxicated much at all when we played that one. About four or five or six hours later, one of our friends asked Chris to play that song again. After hours of consuming delicious Budweiser beer, it sounds quite a bit different. Here is the drunken version of weille weille waille.

2023 Archives / 01-13-2023 - FNGT Archives - 2023
« on: May 02, 2023, 23:27:52 PM »

   Oh, there's music, and there's dancing. And a whole lot of sweet romancing! When they play the Friday Night Guitar Thread! They all get in the swing. Every time they hear that. Everybody feels so. They want to throw their cares away. They all go!!

   bopper  It was 20 years ago today;  My brother taught me how to play;  I've been going in and out of style;  But I'm guaranteed to raise a smile;  So may I introduce to you;  The guy you've known for all these years;   Bopper's Crazy Acoustic Compilation.  (I'll do better next time this is pretty rough but I did want to do something.)  Man did you see that last Friday Night Guitar post, I think it had 800 comments!

   Grandmacaesar  Hi guys.  I hope you all had a good week.  Mine was okay, except for the whole Jeff Beck dyin' thing.  I wrote and recorded this today, then I spent 3 hours tryin' to make it sound like I did somethin' before i said fuck it that's good enough.     Flaming Skull Nightmare

   TheBuddha  I'm sure I'll be better soon. This was the track I meant to share

   Crazy  I hope this is what you were going to share, this is from the cof files, it is J, it is simply called #7

   TheBuhdda  Yes...  Your Song  Oops... I was exhausted and fell asleep.

   Crazy  Chris and I also learned and played the Bob Dylan song, Shelter From the Storm

   Crazy  Hey there everybody, my friend Chris came over and we jammed out till the cops knocked on the door at 3:30 AM.  I asked him if he had seen Verle and he told me this funny story then we jammed the Grateful Dead's US Blues

   CrazyI loved to plug my guitar into the amp and turn it up to ten and just do this!

2023 Archives / 01-06-2023 - FNGT Archives - 2023
« on: May 02, 2023, 22:56:34 PM »

   Well, you can stick your nine to five living, and your collar and your tie... and stick your moral standards, cause it's all a dirty lie. You can stick your golden handshake, and stick your silly rules, and all the other shit that they teach the kids in school. Its the Friday Night Guitar Thread.

   Grandmacaesar  Hi guys.  I spent some time with my new Les Paul-style guitar this week.  Her name is Misha.  I wrote a song this morning so you can hear what she sounds like.  The Way You Say Goodbye

   hit-n-run  Hey. Hey. My. My. Welcome to Insurrection die (day in Aussie)  I don't know why in dafuq this song popped into my mind. Maybe it was cause the dude that quit his popeship kicked the bucket. I read the woke folk hated his guts so I figgered that is a good dude.  Saw this song back in the day on The Last Waltz by The Band.  Loved it immediately.  Old Time Religion

   Crazy  I made this little ditty up the other day and sat down and whipped it out for you all to hear.   I present to you the  Hassle Free Kemosabe

   Crazy  Here is another little ditty I came up with recently, the  Step Back Blues

   TheBuhdda  Ol' Buddha went to a doctor's appointment. He was feeling just fine. But that's where sick people go, so I feel like I'm gonna die.  Have some fuckin'  Fur Elise  Yeah, you've heard it before, but I'm snuggled up in bed with a heating pad - somewhere between shivering and sweating. I'll survive. It takes more than this to kill me.

2022 Archives / 12.30.2022 FNGT Archives - 2022
« on: April 25, 2023, 01:19:37 AM »

   This is the last Friday Night Guitar Thread of 2022! Lets celebrate the survival of another calendar year with some music!   All are welcome!   Any instrument!   Any skill level!  Happy New Year!

   Minimalarch  Well well end of year isn't it erm my fingers hurt like hell. Shoulder hurts from going back to work after 6 weeks of healing but I rather be working sitting at home drove me nuts so I did to tonight best I could     Working Pains

   Wahbluster  this is quite a bit of messing with wah wah I got but I do think pot sounds a little to worn as it does swell like it should so enjoy a drink smoke a cigar or chew some baccy and have a happy new year brothers

   hit-n-run  What's up fellers. Anyway here's a lovely song. It's really fun to sing this one.  Yor Song - Elton John

   Crazy  My buddy Verle just stopped  over and asked for the guitar and this is what I was regaled with This Motherfucking Song

   Happy New Years everybody  Tis Is Satori

   Here is Chris and I doing Heart of Gold

   Verle sang his original song Sat and Delegated

   I found a beer can in the case of beer with some peanut butter smeared on the side of it, so Verle sang Peanut Butter

2022 Archives / 12.23.2022 FNGT Archives - 2022
« on: April 24, 2023, 02:21:13 AM »

    I need to open the thread early. I will barely be here, maybe? It's time for the Annual Christmas FNGT!

   TheBuddha  Hello and welcome to another FNGT - except this isn't our normal Guitar Thread, this is our Christmas Special Guitar Thread! So, welcome to your annual CSGT!

   This year, we did something a bit different. It's more like our earlier Christmas tracks than it is like our last few Christmas tracks. We did still crib from TSO, as they (and others) include The 5th as a Christmas tradition. So, give it a listen and you'll see...  Christmas 2023

   Grandmacaesar  Hi all, I hope you are all warm.  It's about 50 F outside.  I don't even have to turn on the heater.

   I covered a Clarence Carter song.  This is Back Door Santa

   Crazy  Holly Jolly Christmas

   hit-n-run  Merry Christmas you cool cat, guitar whizzes. Feliz Navidad - Jose Feliciano

   Crazy  Blue Christmas

                White Christmas

                Black Christmas

   unclecarl  Merry Christmas Eve to one and all. I have an oldy but goodie, hope you like it. White Christmas on Shoreline Music Monthly. Story of my life a day late and a dollar short. Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night !

   Crazy  Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree

   TheBuddha  This is Silent Night again, but has Nadeshda singing along with it. I miss her and her contributions.  Silent Night  She's remembered fondly.

                           This one you'll hear again in a few minutes...  Silent Night  Trust me, listen to the second version... Gimme a minute...

                            I'm dumping tracks when I can, as I don't think I'll be here long...  Greensleeves  That is actually also a Christmas song and was the first Christmas song shared in the FNGT.

                            I had nothing to do with this, thankfully... But, it's from a dear friend... So, don't blame me!  Gotta Rock for Christmas

                            Another one from the archives:  Christmas Wizards In Winter - The Usual Suspects

                            Enjoy! Christmas Medley - The Usual Suspects

   Crazy  It is my friend opie's birthday today and I went to visit him and give him a birthday gift. He never heard the song I wrote about his owi. So he got to hear it and see the video I just finished making for it! Opie's An Idiot

2022 Archives / 12.16.2022 FNGT Archives - 2022.
« on: April 24, 2023, 01:30:35 AM »

   It's the Friday Night Guitar Thread! Let's make some music and share it with the world. All instruments are welcome, any skill level, any songs. Make it hip and snappy so we all get to singing and dancing along. Everyone is welcome. Now get on in here!

  Grandmacaesar  Hi guys, I hope all is well.  I started this song about two hours ago, just started stackin' tracks till I was happy with it.  It's named for a lost night in Portland when I couldn't find the fuckin' parkin' garage where I parked my car.  I growled at people to make 'em think I was one of them.  Vicodin Pub Crawl

  TheBuddha  Anyhow, I have something special (or not) that I don't think any of you have heard before. This is a BDE (band) recording and I can't be certain about the origin. It was either a soundboard recording at a live show, or was from a rehearsal session. The date on it tells me that it was probably live and I was probably seated for the show (as my femur was still really fucked up at the time).

  Alas, my voice isn't quite right. I like to think I did it justice, but there's at least a couple mistakes. I use pedals to add effects to my voice and I was slow getting to them twice. That's another clue that it was live and seated, though I seem to recall doing the middle of that session standing? I'm really not sure what went on, as it was that long ago and I was really high on opiates still. It was definitely against doctor's orders, but the show must go on!  BDE - Creep (Radiohead cover)

  hit-n-run  I saw this video on Voat back in the day. I loved the song. Learned it off the video. Should have been a top 40 hit but I guess it wasn't politically correct. Gnome sayin'?  Send 'em all back to Africa

  booper  Anybody feel me on this?  booper's song

  Crazy  Hello everybody. My friend Chris came over earlier this week and we jammed out for a while. Here is our version of Up On Cripple Creek

  Crazy  Here is a song that I don't remember who did it but its a real cool song. This Is Satori?

2022 Archives / 11.11.2022 FNGT Archives - 2022
« on: April 23, 2023, 15:54:11 PM »

   Well, well, well. Here we are again on another lovely Friday night, and you all know what that means. It is time for the Friday Night Guitar Thread! Dust off your instruments and play us a song. Throw on your dancing shoes and spin us a jig. Everybody is welcome. All instruments. All skill levels.

   Minimalarch  It's a bit long and I did try sing more so and focused a bit on tone. On my phone during playback the bass sounded miffed inside the rhythm don't know why but lead was fine. I'm going mess with recording a drum beat off you tube so match back ground then re record bass and rhythm then redo lead but here's today's variant.    Only Darkness

    unclecarl  Greetings Friends! It's Veterans Day, and as I promised him this is my Friends story warts and all. Out There In Country?

  Grandmacaesar I hope everyone's had a good week.  I've been invited to play bass in an Iron Maiden cover band.  Has anyone here ever heard of those guys?  Meanwhile I'm sharin' one from some time back.  Walkin' Shoes

  unclecarl  This is an oldie Titled.  The Calm Before The Fall

  bopper  Be careful what you wish for lol. Anybody ever heard this song before?  I screwed up the very last line, oh well. Supposed to be "not good enough to take his daughter's hand."  And I can't even blame it on alcohol.   I wonder if anybody here knows this old song

  TNN  This is the only recording I can find of me trying to play guitar. It's pretty funny so go at it...  Rock And Roll All Night

  TheBuddha  Today is Veteran's Day here in the US, Armistice Day really. WWI ended today, on November 11, at 11:00. Rather than make any political statements, I figured I'd share something we've not heard in a long time. This song was made just for the thread and it's...   The FNGT Theme Song

  Some of you will have never heard that song, more than likely. It's a pretty old track, from February of 2019! Some of you will have heard it, but probably haven't heard it in a while! So, it's a good day to dig it out again.

  Yesterday was the Marine Corps birthday. Rock on!

  Crazy  Hello again everyone. I hope you are all doing well.

  Earlier this week my friend Chris came over and we were jamming out some songs when the two guys I had recently met and jammed with called and asked what I was doing. I told them I was jamming with my buddy Chris and they said can we come over? Hell yeah! why not?

  So when they come in Chris and I are playing this song and they asked, can we join in and of course we said yeah. So the one guy jumped on the drums and the other one grabbed a guitar and we went for it.   Best friends girlfriend

   Crazy  So then my new friends and my old friend decided that we would play one of the new friends' songs. Chris learned the chords and away we went. Here is She goes 

  Best friends girlfriend

  Crazy  So after we played that Cars song, my new friends and my old friends were talking and trying to figure out something that we could just jam on together without having to spend too much time learning the music. You know, so we could just get to playing.

  Someone mentioned Sublime, and all three of those guys was like yeah I love them.

  So I set up another mic on a stand and now I have three guys who want to sing. I have been for years looking for someone to sing for me when I am playing cause I dont like my singing. Now here I have three of them at once. Abundance. Then they all decided to sing it together! Which sounded so fucking awesome to me. Then when that was done they took turns at it. Meanwhile I am playing two notes on the bass and a dancing away   What I Got

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