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Messages - TheBuddha

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General Discussion / Re: Re: 04.20.2018 FNGT Archive
« on: December 12, 2018, 12:55:57 PM »

I split and moved this to the general category, so we don't clutter up the archives and 'cause I know damned well that I'm going to respond and that'd make the archives a mess.

I'll send Putt an email to ask.

What method did you use to try to contact him and what date was it that you tried to contact him?

2018 Archives / Re: 04.20.2018 FNGT Archive
« on: December 12, 2018, 12:25:17 PM »

Historical reference:

The thread did happen, and was actually fantastic. It happened on the Voat preview site and I'm nearly certain that PuttItOut has since overwritten that database, meaning that that week is lost and will never be archived. There's a very, very small chance that I could contact Putt and see if he's interested in loading that specific DB back up long enough for us to retrieve the data, but I doubt he has time and initiative - even if he does, in fact, have that saved somewhere.

The thread was excellent and we had a few new people who haven't shown up since. One or two of them contributed tracks and more just enjoyed the company and music.

Someone likened us to a group of people huddled over the dying embers of a fading Voat, sitting around a campfire, and playing music. It was a pretty apt description and was one of the reasons I started the PlayGuitar site and it is the exact reason why there's an unused forum there. The forum was setup and configured just to ensure there'd be a ready place to go, but the forum was never really advertised to anyone except a few people.

This is that forum:

Play Guitar Community Forum - Index

This text is add completeness to the archives and is meant as part of the historical record.

General Discussion / Re: You can throw roses!
« on: December 11, 2018, 15:50:38 PM »

LOL You do know I get instant notice when you post, right? I'm pretty sure you said you were going to practice in the studio. Pretty sure...

Site Questions / Re: Your input is wanted!
« on: December 11, 2018, 15:41:17 PM »

Done. Thanks.

Site Questions / Re: Your input is wanted!
« on: December 11, 2018, 14:44:42 PM »

It started with a plan. The plan was to create an archive.

An archive seemed like a nice idea, but it seemed like it could be more than that. So, I decided I'd concentrate on it being more a forum for discussion than a CMS or static pages.

I've been fond of saying it's like the FNGT, in that it's a framework. I get it started and show people that it can be done. They then do the work and put their hours in. In this case, it's an addition to, not a replacement of, v/Guitar. It's not meant to replace the thread, nor is it meant to replace the sub. The two are, at least in my head, distinctly separate entities.

I also have concluded that the weekly thread really isn't the greatest place for people to comfortably ask questions. We do get some questions, but they end up buried and threaded, wildly off-topic, and generally aren't as productive as they could be.

I suspect that's because the FNGT moves VERY fast. I mean, very fast.

Being me, I'm particularly fond of numbers and data. We regularly exceed 50 posts per hour. (I've taken to calling that PPH.) A couple of times, I've seen it exceed 80 PPH and I've seen the third hour over 100 PPH. The average thread is fairly active only for about 4 hours - and that's being generous.

It opens at 20:00 and it starts to get active at 20:30. Then, at about 00:30 it will slow down again - as a general rule. Sometimes, it slows at 00:00 and sometimes it makes it all the way to about 01:00.

It does stay active longer, I just mean the most active portions. During those phases, we are very, very fast moving. I often don't even have time to leave my message center. I'm too busy to leave it. I'm too busy listening to and commenting on shared tracks, and then I comment on the replies. So, I frequently don't have any time to leave the message center part of Voat.

This site is much more laid back, has a pretty good notification system, doesn't bury stuff, and seems like it should be a great addition to the weekly thread.

That's the goal, at any rate. It also stands as a stand-in, should Voat go down and remain down. I've got ample hosting and I'm on some pretty awesome hardware. SMF is pretty optimized and the site hasn't even slowed, even though we've had multiple concurrent users. It should be able to handle the weekly thread, if it is forced to do so.

I'm not actually sure why I'm typing all this out?

Site Questions / Re: Your input is wanted!
« on: December 11, 2018, 12:45:27 PM »


To make it easier in the future, please link to the topic you want moved. (It may eventually get busy/cluttered.) This time it was pretty easy. I know what the topics are. Eventually, it'll exceed my ability to remember. So, a link will save time/effort.

We're actually posting quite a few topics. I'm a bit surprised at how active it is already.

General Discussion / Re: @COF Archive question.
« on: December 11, 2018, 12:41:11 PM »

LOL Thanks. It's quite a task and we're pretty productive with our music making and chatter!

Site Questions / Your input is wanted!
« on: December 10, 2018, 17:54:58 PM »

Categories are things like General, Resources, or Archives.

Boards are things like Tools, Anything Else, or 2018 Archives.

@MrHarryReems suggested a recording board, which was placed in the general category. @SandHog was talking about gear and the reviews board was created under the resources category.

Ol' Buddha isn't nearly as creative as one might think!

So, give me some input. What sort of boards would you like to see? What categories would you like those boards to be put into?

Even if you can't immediately think of something you want to put in there, toss the idea onto the table.

Warning: You may end up being the moderator of said category. Nope, mods are just janitors more or less. It's nothing fancy, but it becomes your responsibility to keep it neat and tidy. Don't worry, it's easy and it's not like we've really got to delete shit. 'Snot like we've inundated with trolls being assholes. We shouldn't even have a SPAM issue, with the way the site is configured.

So, yes... You may end up with a tiny bit of responsibility, but at least you're a member of the Cool Kids Club©!

Seriously, gimme some more board ideas and whatnot. If you do propose a category, at least make sure you can think of one or two boards that can go into it, please. I'm not a huge stickler for everything being on-topic, so if you want a category for something as outlandish as food and drink, we can do that. I don't see those being boards, but I use them to give you ideas.

Thanks in advance! More categories would maybe be a good thing. Giving people more options is a good thing, up to a point. So, let's have some options!

Site Questions / Have you taken a look at the site stats page?
« on: December 10, 2018, 17:42:19 PM »

I have public stats enabled, as it's a nice way to motivate people. Maybe I can find a few ways to have contests or something and we can have some sort of rewards system? Anyhow, that's a long ways down the road. Right now, the site hasn't even been open to the public for a month!

Right now, we're doing fantastic! Take a look:

Friday Night Guitar Thread Community - Statistics Center

That's right, y'all are kicking ass and not even bothering to take names! There are forums that have been around for years and not had this much activity. My plan appears to be working! I put the framework here, you build what you need to build on it. Just doing archives would have been okay, but this seemed like a more productive route to take. So, it's not just archives and it's great to see you all taking advantage of this.

Hmm... I should probably write something up and do the rounds, letting the rest of the people know about this site. That way, they can register before it goes invite-only, however that's more a note to myself than it is anything else. That will happen, I've just not set a date in stone yet.

Either way, the point is that the site is starting to mold itself into what you want it to be. Much like the guitar thread, it's just a framework for you to use. I just get it started and facilitate it. What you do with it is, for the most part, up to you. The stats show me that you're actually making use of it. The number of page displays is particularly impressive.

General Discussion / @COF Archive question.
« on: December 10, 2018, 17:30:15 PM »

@COF I was looking at your most recent archive and I noticed it had like 541 views.

I don't suppose you've paid attention to those and happen to know what the highest number of views has been thus far? 541 is pretty damned impressive, considering that each person is only counted once. (Yes, I checked that such is how Voat works.)

My reason for wanting to know is mostly 'cause I'm curious about what is the most amount of people we've reached in a FNGT. To me, it's not just about those that share and comment, but it's also about those that listen and enjoy. Seeing 541 was pretty exciting! It made me pretty damned pleased.

Unfortunately, as nice as the archives are, there's no real (easy) way to really smash the data together and get more information, plot graphs, etc...

Hmm... That does make me wonder about a way to do just that sort of thing. It'd be neat to be able to visualize the data and I suspect your archives can be scraped and inserted into a DB, seeing as you've used the same format for them all. I will ponder data visualization solutions! (That's gonna be a long, long minute. That sort of project would be one way out on the back, back, back burner!)

General Discussion / Re: We need your Thoughts
« on: December 10, 2018, 17:18:03 PM »

LOL I better ping @COF and tell 'em he's got work to do. However, I think he may be taking it easy until after the holidays are over.

Speaking of holidays. My son is sitting in Boston as he couldn't fly into Rangeley today, due to the weather. LOL He's gonna end up renting a car and driving the rest of the way.

General Discussion / Re: Hello from a newbie and good luck with the site
« on: December 10, 2018, 17:15:51 PM »

If you played guitar today, you're a guitarist. If you've been learning and having fun, you're a guitarist. So long as you're learning, you're a guitarist.

There's no magical date when you get to say that you're a guitar player. And, I don't count those people who know only one or two songs. A guitarist is someone who plays guitar with the goal of learning to play it better than they did yesterday - and having fun is how you keep that motivation. It's a lot of work, but it's able to be fun. We work all week, we have fun on the weekends - we just do it with a guitar.

So, both of you are guitarists. Put your hours in, 'cause that's what makes you (and keeps you being) a guitarist.


Maybe it's time for you and your instructor to just become good friends that jam together?

Let's see if this helps?

My formal instruction lasted about 6.5 years. I have since studied with many people, though I haven't given most of them any money - and sometimes they gave me money. That doesn't mean I didn't learn from them, often truckloads of learning went on and did so in both directions.

It could also be that you're at a plateau, and it's not easy to see from the inside but you're probably still learning.

It could also be that it's time for some self-directed learning. There are many, many free resources online - and I've go a stash of 'em here. Just because my formal instruction ended, doesn't mean I didn't keep learning. I'm still learning today.

Have you tried getting out and jamming with other people? They're usually pretty willing to share what they know. There's also short 'master classes' and things you may be able to take - though I don't really count those in the 'formal education' thing. Those are, in my experience, just a day or two long and maybe just a few hours a night for a few nights. Those are also not bad sources for filling in gaps and learning new things.


There will be pie, but you have to come get it. On the way back from Farmington, I had the missus go the other way and we stopped and got two pies from the pie lady. They will be delicious!

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