"Music is your special friend.
Dance on fire as it intends"

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Messages - Guitarensis

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2022 Archives / 5.27.2022 FNGT Archives - 2022
« on: December 23, 2022, 22:14:08 PM »

That's right, it's Memorial Day weekend and we're still having the Friday Night Guitar Thread. So, come join in the fun! Come share music that you made (or a friend/family member made). Come listen to the music of your peers! Any skill level is welcomed.

Link That's right, it's Memorial Day weekend and we're still having the Friday Night Guitar Thread. So, come join in the fun!

@OGRellik88 Punking it up Stream Punking it up. by Rellik8d8 | Listen online for free on SoundCloud

@TheBuddha Blowing in the wind (bob dylan) https://share.fngt.gq/music/rock/classic/Dylan%20-%20blowing%20in%20the%20wind%20guitar%20%28eh%20solo%29.mp3)

Forunate Son (CCR) https://share.fngt.gq/music/rock/classic/CCR%20-%20Fortunate%20Son%20%28B%20%231%20%26%20B%3B%20TB%20%23%202%20%26%20P%29.mp3

@crazy_eyes come as you are http://come as you are

what it takes http://What it Takes

@Grandmacaesar Bodcaw slide http://Bodcaw Slide

Thread created by @TheBuddha 22 votes 227 comments

2022 Archives / 5.13.2022 FNGT Archives - 2022
« on: December 23, 2022, 21:46:58 PM »

Music makes my world go round. And music gets me high and keeps me on the ground. In music I feel safe and sound. Get lost and still be found. It is the Friday Night Guitar Thread. Share the music you make. Listen to the music we make. Everybody is welcome. Any Instrument. Any skill level!

Link Music makes my world go round. And music gets me high and keeps me on the ground. In music I feel safe and sound. Get thread created by @crazy_eyes

@Grandmacaesar Stream !!! (excerpt From The Happiest Moment Of My Life) by grandma caesar | Listen online for free on SoundCloud

@crazy_eyes  Mustve been the Roses http://Must've Been the Roses

we the people http://We the People

@TheBuddha Eurption(van halen) https://share.fngt.gq/music/rock/metal/EVH_-_Eruption.mp3

7 votes and 201 comments

2022 Archives / 5.6.2022 FNGT Archives - 2022
« on: December 23, 2022, 21:39:20 PM »

It's the start of the weekend, meaning this must be Friday night - and that means it's time for the FNGT. Come share a track or two. Come jam to the tunes created by your peers. It's a good excuse to drink a beer! Link It's the start of the weekend, meaning this must be Friday night - and that means it's time for the FNGT. Come share a

@Grandmacaesar Adapter Stream Adapter by grandma caesar | Listen online for free on SoundCloud

@unclecarl Because you needed me https://youtu.be/ilskdvuhtzE

@crazy_eyes Crashed Stream Crashed by Sleazy Snake | Listen online for free on SoundCloud

@TheBuddha Radiohead - Creep (the usual suspects) https://share.fngt.gq/music/rock/alternative/Radiohead%20-%20Creep%20%28The%20Usual%20Suspects%29.mp3

Thread created by @TheBuddha 10 thumbs up 182 comments

2022 Archives / 10.28.2022 FNGT Archives- 2022
« on: November 11, 2022, 22:17:11 PM »

2022 Archives / 04.29.2022 FNGT Archives - 2022
« on: November 06, 2022, 21:59:11 PM »

Link If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear. It's the Friday Night Guitar Thread. That means it is time to share the music If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear. It's the Friday Night Guitar Thread. That means it is time to share the music that comes from our hearth through our fingers or voices out to the world for the world to revel in. Come one, come all. The music is for sharing. Everybody is welcome.

@Minimalarch (No many Tones) https://youtu.be/0fiIc7hJ5v0

@hit-n-run Stream I'll Have To Say I Love You In A Song - J. Croce by hit-n-run | Listen online for free on SoundCloud

@crazy_eyes (Blues Jam)https://soundcloud.com/user-422956924/1-n-1-is-2-2-n-3-is-5?utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing

             (Old time Rock n Roll) Stream Old Time Rock And Roll by Sleazy Sleazy Music | Listen online for free on SoundCloud

@TheBuddha (You shook me all night long) https://share.fngt.gq/music/rock/classic/AC%20DC%20-%20You%20Shook%20Me%20All%20Night%20Long%20%28EH%20%231%20%26%20B%20TB%20%232%20%26%20P%29.mp3

@grandmacaesar (Trust) Stream Trust by grandma caesar | Listen online for free on SoundCloud

Thread created by @TheBuddha 182 comments 10 votes

2022 Archives / 04.22.2022 FNGT Archives - 2022
« on: November 06, 2022, 21:44:36 PM »

Link Do a little dance. Make a little love. Get down tonight! Why? 'Cause today is Friday and it's time for the Friday Night Do a little dance. Make a little love. Get down tonight! Why? 'Cause today is Friday and it's time for the Friday Night Guitar Thread. If you want to share in the music created by your peers, come join us - and share music you made!

@Minimalarch (Baby its cold outside) Grandma Caesar Song: Kress City | Broadjam.com

                        (Top Pocket Find) https://youtu.be/Ls0TwjZawb0

                            (Cold Feet)https://youtu.be/4XKxbEdQRwo

@GrandmaCaesar (Kress song) Grandma Caesar Song: Kress City | Broadjam.com

@crazy_eyes (Snake song) Stream Snake Song by Sleazy Sleazy Music | Listen online for free on SoundCloud

                  (Crazy Women) Stream Crazy Women by Sleazy Snake | Listen online for free on SoundCloud

@TheBuddha (Bach BMV 235) https://share.fngt.gq/music/classical/Bach%20BWV%20225%20%28as%20dance%29.mp3

2022 Archives / 03.11.2022 FNGT Archives - 2022
« on: November 05, 2022, 16:43:21 PM »

link Welcome to the Friday Night Guitar Thread. We are going to share the music that we have played ourselves. Come listen in

@Minimalarch https://youtu.be/gt201LZLcpc

@getcynical acappella

"This the deeee-generate saw-ah-ah-ong

If you don't like what I have to say

you best move along.

I'll lock you in the basement

and throw away the key

you're a disappointment to me and

the entire family tree

I'd beat your ass and take you

to the bordering school

you look like a reject

and all your friends too

with all your fucking makeup

and all your weirdo friends

I'd send them to a boot camp

and hope it never ends.

of all the things i'm proud of

your not one of them

your not a women, son,

your behaviors only inspire

my undying contempt

you'll never pass, stop smoking grass

you have a beard and mustache

and no shaving it, wont help

your adams apple is something else

please stop wearing your mothers dress.

you look like a mess.

@hit-n-run Vocaroo | Online voice recorder

@crazy Stream Changes by Sleazy Sleazy Music | Listen online for free on SoundCloud

Stream Guitar In My Hands by Sleazy Sleazy Music | Listen online for free on SoundCloud

Stream No Woman No Cry by Sleazy Sleazy Music | Listen online for free on SoundCloud

@grandmacaesar Stream Daybreak by grandma caesar | Listen online for free on SoundCloud

@TheBuddha https://share.fngt.gq/music/rock/classic/bark%20at%20the%20moon%20%28eh%20%231%20%26%20tb%20%232%29.mp3

thread created by crazy 200comments

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