FNGT Archives > 2023 Archives

08-04-2023 FNGT Archives - 2023


   It is the Friday Night Guitar Thread. Can't celebrate live unless you're alive. I'm at a friend's waiting with him for his mom to die. Share some music with us and take our minds off of life for a moment...    Sleazy  Throw the jew down the well    TheRealBuddha  I don't know why it's in /whatever, but it is.  I specifically asked @Sleazy to open this one as I kinda have a guest.  So, with that in mind, have a song that Biff picked and was recorded a while ago... Halestorm Apocalyptic  I'll check in as time allows.    Hall_of_Cost  I haven't written any new songs for my space rock opera but I still record some- I just practice and try to get creative.  I recently picked up some old tape recorders, a tascam Porta 02 mkII. Lol. And a yamaha mt1x that has a common problem with the mechanism I might take it to get repaired. I'm just trying to get a hang of the physical process and see how it is. Anyway, I am trying to come up with a couple of songs from the bad guy's perspective. This 30 second clip is from one of those sessions and I might work more at it to turn into a song for the bad guy. This Weapon    23 upvotes and 76 comments

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