"Happiness is stumbling around drunk down on the farm"

Author Topic: 05-26-2023 - FNGT Archives - 2023  (Read 6236 times)

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05-26-2023 - FNGT Archives - 2023
« Opened on May 29, 2023, 21:30:01 PM (Edited May 29, 2023, 21:35:48 PM) »

   Welcome to the Memorial Day Holiday Weekend edition of the Friday Night Guitar Thread! We got some music to drink to, or grill to, or just listen to, and we would sure love to hear you play some music and share it with us as well. Any skill level is welcome. Any instrument. Lets celebrate!

   TheRealBuhdda  It's Memorial Day weekend. I have something for this...  CCR - Fortunate Son

   Sleazy  Here is another song that Chris and I played out on the porch the other night.  I Love This Bar

   popticalillusion  I didn't get anything finished, but I will post what I'm working on. I broke out the acoustic guitar and had some interference with the microphone so I just stopped there. I plan to replace all the guitar parts with my own, leaving just the drums and vocal (instrument) in the final version.  Peaceful Easy Feeling by the Eagles. None of the bands I were in ever covered it and it's been a favorite song of mine; so I'm learning it.

   Sleazy  Here is a song I wrote about a story told to me by a WWII vet years ago. It seems appropriate to share on Memorial weekend.  Battle of the Bulge  I really should try to re-record this and make it right, it was just so annoying to put it all together at the time, I got sick of doing it, it's so long and I was just happy to have got through it once without fucking it up too much.

   My buddy Chris came over again the other day for a little while, and we sat out on the porch in the nice weather with no mosquitoes and played a couple songs. Here is us playing Merle Haggards White Boy

   Last night my son had some friends over and they had a cookout in the back yard and were drinking up a big giant bottle of crown royal. After we ate, my woman went and fell asleep so I went and visited the drunk people for a little while. My son asks me if I want some magic mushrooms and I said hell yeah and at a handful of them. I came in for another beer when they hit me, and I saw my guitar and I picked it up and played it all fucked up and shrooming. I just played where the music lead me. I recorded some of it, and it's nothing I ever played before but I think its cool Acoustic Jam

   popticalillusion  I edited my acoustic track better and remixed it some. I think i am ready to move on to the other guitar parts now and hope to be finished by next Friday. Peaceful Easy Feeling Edited. Sounds a bit better now.


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Re: 05-2602023 - FNGT Archives - 2023
« Reply #1 on May 29, 2023, 21:30:07 PM »

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