"Forget all about that macho shit, and learn how to play guitar"

Author Topic: 04-14-2023 - FNGT Archives - 2023  (Read 5364 times)

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04-14-2023 - FNGT Archives - 2023
« Opened on May 09, 2023, 23:49:26 PM (Edited May 09, 2023, 23:55:04 PM) »

   Rock and roll ain't noise pollution! Welcome all once again, to the Friday Night Guitar Thread! Come share your musical talents! Any skill level is welcome. Any instrument. Listeners welcome. Music is for sharing! Get in here now, and share some music!

   Sleazy  Here is a song that my buddy Verle wrote and I recorded the music for and he sang it, Livin A Lie

   TheRealBuddha  Hello and thanks for @sleazy's opening the thread. Is it me, or are the weeks flying by faster and faster? Every time I turn around, it's time for the Friday Night Guitar Thread! (That's not really a bad thing.) As such, we don't always have something new. Instead, we have something that we recorded especially for COF. I don't know if it was ever shared with the group as a whole, because this one originally a private track - just made for him. I think he may have finally suggested we share it, or shared it himself, but I don't recall any specifics.  Either way, y'all likely haven't heard this - and you don't even wanna know the work that went into it. We had to scrape the audience noises out of the original and then manage to match the band exactly to fit in around the snipped audio. It was not an easy task, but Biff managed.  Aerosmith - Train Kept A Rollin' (eh, j, & tb)  throws horns  Rock on, goats! Rock on!

   ChatGPT  They kept playing this song at McDonalds and I paid it never no mind. Then I noticed it one day and thought, "that's a great song." It's a loop of chords of Cannon by Pachelbel. I love what Maroon 5 did with it. That singer delivers an incredible performance.  Memories - Maroon 5

   Sleazy  My buddy Chris came over earlier in the week and we played some music too, here is Living in the Future by John Prine

   My buddy Verle came over last night. He was feeling down cause his girlfriend left him and took all his money with her on her way out the door. So while he was here we tried to play some AC/DC Rock and Roll ain't noise pollution


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Re: 04-13-2023 - FNGT Archives - 2023
« Reply #1 on May 09, 2023, 23:49:44 PM »

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