Well, you can stick your nine to five living, and your collar and your tie... and stick your moral standards, cause it's all a dirty lie. You can stick your golden handshake, and stick your silly rules, and all the other shit that they teach the kids in school. Its the Friday Night Guitar Thread.
Grandmacaesar Hi guys. I spent some time with my new Les Paul-style guitar this week. Her name is Misha. I wrote a song this morning so you can hear what she sounds like. The Way You Say Goodbye
hit-n-run Hey. Hey. My. My. Welcome to Insurrection die (day in Aussie) I don't know why in dafuq this song popped into my mind. Maybe it was cause the dude that quit his popeship kicked the bucket. I read the woke folk hated his guts so I figgered that is a good dude. Saw this song back in the day on The Last Waltz by The Band. Loved it immediately. Old Time Religion
Crazy I made this little ditty up the other day and sat down and whipped it out for you all to hear. I present to you the Hassle Free Kemosabe
Crazy Here is another little ditty I came up with recently, the Step Back Blues
TheBuhdda Ol' Buddha went to a doctor's appointment. He was feeling just fine. But that's where sick people go, so I feel like I'm gonna die. Have some fuckin' Fur Elise Yeah, you've heard it before, but I'm snuggled up in bed with a heating pad - somewhere between shivering and sweating. I'll survive. It takes more than this to kill me.