General Category > General Discussion

We need your Thoughts

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@COF No, they're randomly set to appear. They'll eventually appear, so long as they're loaded in there. I *think* I've seen all of them at least once. They should appear in a random order unless someone's changed the settings. If the settings are changed, it wasn't me! ;-)

Today I broke a string and it didn't kill me. Today was a good day.

"I cut my deck to the Queen of Spades but the cards were all the same."

"Keep on Rockin' in the Free World"

LOL I better ping @COF and tell 'em he's got work to do. However, I think he may be taking it easy until after the holidays are over. Speaking of holidays. My son is sitting in Boston as he couldn't fly into Rangeley today, due to the weather. LOL He's gonna end up renting a car and driving the rest of the way.


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