Aloha friends!
I am SOOO close on the post production for the new album, and it's a race against the clock!! I'm hoping beyond hope to have it off to mastering next week. If that happens, I'll be on track to have it in my hands for High Holy Day. Speaking of, I got a call from the Hard Rock Cafe in Honolulu wanting to book the band, but sadly it was for High Holy Day, and we're often booked a year in advance for that one. All the same, I'm pretty stoked that they noticed a wee Celtic band. The booking agent had found us through our videos of all things, and had apparently been all over our website from top to bottom, as she knew things that were on our calendar that I had just updated hours before. She said she loved our sound and asked if we knew of any other bands that sound like us. 
Oh well, maybe next year for that one!
The downside is that the new awesome bass player quit. He really wants to play prog and jazz, and Celtic music doesn't fit his artistic vision. Oh well. TheOldMick is now my part time neighbor and seems interested in the spot, but we'll see how it goes as his true heart lies in songwriting. I gave him the set, and if he really wants to do it, he'll learn the parts and hop up on stage with us.
This is our busy season, and I love it every year, and I'm always both thrilled and sad when it ends in mid April.
Hope all is well with all of you!