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Hello from a newbie and good luck with the site


It's nice to find this site  - thanks to TheBuddah for the link from Voat. As an amateur guitar player, I look forward to learning some new things and possibly losing some bad habits I'm not aware I have.

Welcome and we look forward to seeing your progress! This is a place to do what you want (with regards to musicianship, of course). It's largely a framework. Build on it what you will.

Hi Mick, welcome! Sounds like I'm in the same boat as you more or less. I don't even think I'm at the amateur level yet lol. Probably even more like a hobbyist at this point. The guitar threads are super motivating though and definitely inspire me to get better and to get a little more serious about learning the instrument. Great group of people.

If you played guitar today, you're a guitarist. If you've been learning and having fun, you're a guitarist. So long as you're learning, you're a guitarist. There's no magical date when you get to say that you're a guitar player. And, I don't count those people who know only one or two songs. A guitarist is someone who plays guitar with the goal of learning to play it better than they did yesterday - and having fun is how you keep that motivation. It's a lot of work, but it's able to be fun. We work all week, we have fun on the weekends - we just do it with a guitar. So, both of you are guitarists. Put your hours in, 'cause that's what makes you (and keeps you being) a guitarist.


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