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Author Topic: Eureka!  (Read 71884 times)

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Offline TheBuddha

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« Opened on September 15, 2019, 15:32:25 PM »
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Re: Eureka!
« Reply #1 on September 15, 2019, 16:08:06 PM »

Sweeeeet! Let me know if you need help getting the price down  ;)

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Re: Eureka!
« Reply #2 on September 15, 2019, 16:26:47 PM »

LOL I've already agreed on a number. They're going to bring it to an area near the hotel tomorrow and I'll make sure it meets my expectations before buying it.

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Offline crazy_eyes

Re: Eureka!
« Reply #3 on September 15, 2019, 19:38:27 PM »

Awesome! Looks like a sweet car


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Re: Eureka!
« Reply #4 on September 15, 2019, 19:41:54 PM »

Damned right!

Cruising up I-95, headed back to Maine, I'll pretty much always have the coolest car in sight. I bet it sparks tons of conversations at gas stations, people honking and waving, and young kids that think I can be pressured into racing with them.

It's also probably a cop magnet. So, I can't be that outlandish.

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Offline crazy_eyes

Re: Eureka!
« Reply #5 on September 15, 2019, 19:52:06 PM »

I used to have a 68 Tempest convertible back in the 80's that had a similar body style. That was a cop magnet, I actually lost the cops a couple of times just by pulling over right away as they were pulling out after I drove past, then they would go zooming past me not even looking at me cause I knew they were going to stop me I was already stopping. The idiots LoL


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Re: Eureka!
« Reply #6 on September 16, 2019, 08:34:39 AM »

I don't need to outrun the cops. Fuck 'em. I can pay the ticket costs. They'll be out-of-state tickets (should I get any on the drive home). I'll pay 'em right there on the spot, if they'll take Visa. If they piss me off, they can wait down the road and write me another ticket. It will have no impact on my license. If anything, I'll frame the ticket.

They're supposed to be in a nearby parking lot at 09:00. The only thing that will need restoration (according to them) is there's some wear on the driver's seat. (That usually means it's been driven hard, but there aren't many miles on it.) 

If I buy it, we'll go over to the credit union and I'll transfer the cash to them. After that, there's a garage that has an open bay and mechanic. They'll go over it and they said that (unless there's anything major) it'll be ready to reliably drive to Maine by the end of the day, including new tires.

When I get it home, it's going straight into a shop long-term, to get new suspension and new brake systems. Ye Olden Brakes kinda suck and they make conversion kits, so it'll be Wilwood or Brembo on all four corners. I'll have 'em tear the top of the engine down and rebuild that. I might even have them stuff a blower on it. 

I am not the least bit concerned with keeping it stock. It's a GTO. It's not rare. They made MILLIONS of them.

And, yes, it's an automatic transmission. 'Member my smashed femur? That's why I'm okay with it being equipped with too few pedals. I might have 'em stuff a Hurst shifter into it, but that's actually for aesthetic reasons! 'Snot like I'm actually going to go out dragging it at the strip or at stop lights. I'm just gonna cruise around and make some noise with it a couple of times a year.

'Snot much longer 'fore they'll be in the parking lot. They're supposed to send me a text when they get there.

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Offline Zinnsee

Re: Eureka!
« Reply #7 on September 16, 2019, 10:49:23 AM »

You know I'm not really into american muscle. But nevertheless that's a cool car. Congrats I hope it checks out.

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Re: Eureka!
« Reply #8 on September 16, 2019, 11:45:53 AM »


I own it and it's in fantastic condition. I paid significantly less than their listed price (which was a bit high to begin with), but it's in very great condition. If I put a classification on it, it'd be "near excellent."

It's a beast of old American muscle, and iconic. It's what they call the "Judge" GTO, due to the engine and the rear spoiler. It's listed in the official registry of Pontiac cars, and fully certified as matching numbers. It's actually a collector piece and that's one of the ways I was able to get it at the price I did. I basically showed 'em some pics of where it was going, what it was joining, and told 'em I'd pay 'em in cash today.

Finally, because I'm not home (and because Voat is full of morons), I've been posting here with greater frequency. It's easier than sending out multiple emails.

Hmm... I wonder if the previous owner will remember to delete it from Craigslist?

Cars aren't guitars, so I need to sell a couple in my collection. They're not worth much, but signify something with each choice. I need the room and I don't really get any joy from them. So, I'm putting a glorious mid-80s station wagon and Jeep Wagoneer on the market. Unlike guitars, I'm very much okay with selling cars.

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Re: Eureka!
« Reply #9 on September 17, 2019, 13:07:54 PM »

Pics uploaded for @Nadeshda

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Offline crazy_eyes

Re: Eureka!
« Reply #10 on September 17, 2019, 14:07:17 PM »

So you bought it! Thats fucking awesome!I love those 60's pontiacs. Back when I had that 68 tempest i had friends with a 68 GTO and another with a 70 Lemans then he got a 68 firebird, and another friend had a 72 lemans. Our neighborhood was pontiac city LoL a block away there were a bunch of corvettes


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Re: Eureka!
« Reply #11 on September 17, 2019, 14:21:00 PM »

Yup. I'll have it tomorrow. It's getting reconditioned, basically, and then it'll be what we drive back to Maine. We're leaving on Thursday to head back home.

I'm pretty sure it's going to be a cop magnet, but that's fine.

Also, over the years, I've decided that Pontiac had the coolest names for their cars. It's a shame that they no longer exist. I wonder if they'll ever revive the brand?

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Offline crazy_eyes

Re: Eureka!
« Reply #12 on September 17, 2019, 15:00:32 PM »

That should be a hell of a fun ride


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Re: Eureka!
« Reply #13 on September 17, 2019, 15:31:11 PM »

It could be a grand adventure. It's in great condition, so it shouldn't break down and screw with us.

It's also insanely loud, like near the absolute legal limit under even the slightest acceleration. I haven't really had it up at highway cruising speeds, but that's fine.

It's only got an AM/FM radio! LOL It doesn't even have an 8 track player, or anything like that. Everything is stock on it, as near as I can tell. It's a complete "numbers matching" car.

What's awesome is the condition. You can see the condition well enough, and the whole car is like that. Here's the kicker - it's unrestored. That's its condition. Not even the paint has been touched up. The only thing that might not be stock is the knob on the gear lever, and tires surely. I'm not sure if the gear lever knob is stock or not. I've never seen one like that in a GTO, but I'm not actually a GTO Encyclopedia.

I am technically the third owner and have all the paperwork with it. I haven't gone through the paperwork yet, but I'll give it a glance and organize it. My understanding is that it belonged to the seller's father and then they bought it from him and I'm the third owner. I'll figure out more when I have the paperwork to hand and have gone through it.

Given their level of honesty, I'm inclined to believe them. They indicated the driver's seat was in poor shape, and it's really not. It's just a little worn and there's a place where it split at the seam, so I can get that fixed pretty easily. It's nice enough so that I'll probably take it to a few car shows and let people see/touch it. Cars like this should be seen heard, and driven. It won't be a trailer queen, but will get driven to shows - if I go that route.

EH thinks she'd like to drive it frequently, but that's just silly. I mean, she can, but she has a much better car. This car is special, but it's not better than her 3 series. Her car is safer, more efficient, likely faster, handles better, etc... This is a classic car that does none of those things well - it just goes great in a straight line. It's a muscle car, not really a sportscar. They only handle well in the movies, or if you HEAVILY modified the suspension.

But, if you want to race stop light to stop light, it's really good at that.

Her current car is much, much better than this. She'll find that out in short order.

It's also powerful enough to really bite you, and safety was an afterthought. So, I'll have to make sure she understands all this when she splits the driving with me. We head out on Thursday and we will be back in Maine by Saturday afternoon. We'll be spending Friday in Cambridge, MA. I'm going to get some more studio time in, but it's going to be just her and I this time.

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Offline crazy_eyes

Re: Eureka!
« Reply #14 on September 17, 2019, 16:02:37 PM »

It's different than driving a modern car for sure but it is a lot of fun to drive


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