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Author Topic: @COF Archive question.  (Read 13190 times)

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@COF Archive question.
« Opened on December 10, 2018, 17:30:15 PM »

@COF I was looking at your most recent archive and I noticed it had like 541 views.

I don't suppose you've paid attention to those and happen to know what the highest number of views has been thus far? 541 is pretty damned impressive, considering that each person is only counted once. (Yes, I checked that such is how Voat works.)

My reason for wanting to know is mostly 'cause I'm curious about what is the most amount of people we've reached in a FNGT. To me, it's not just about those that share and comment, but it's also about those that listen and enjoy. Seeing 541 was pretty exciting! It made me pretty damned pleased.

Unfortunately, as nice as the archives are, there's no real (easy) way to really smash the data together and get more information, plot graphs, etc...

Hmm... That does make me wonder about a way to do just that sort of thing. It'd be neat to be able to visualize the data and I suspect your archives can be scraped and inserted into a DB, seeing as you've used the same format for them all. I will ponder data visualization solutions! (That's gonna be a long, long minute. That sort of project would be one way out on the back, back, back burner!)

See the related projects: Music For Us & My Personal Upload Site!

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Re: @COF Archive question.
« Reply #1 on December 10, 2018, 19:39:20 PM »

You're right in that I don't have exact dates or numbers, but I do know I have seen a low 600's number, maybe twice. They do seem to blur together after a while. I get lost when searching for the tunes in a thread and basically end up reading the whole thread again. I'll see if I can scan thru and catch any higher numbers than 541. Remember where you saw that one since you've seen it already. I'm going to try to do at least one a day for awhile, but like I said it takes me a couple hours each because I try to identify original artists and then get caught up reading the comments and before long I'm grinnin'. It's been a trip thru time, 'going forward in reverse'. I didn't even realise how long I've been checking in. Damn it! Now I've got a Babs Streisand earworm:

Scattered pictures

Of the smiles we left behind

Smiles we gave to one another

For the way we were

So it's the laughter

We will remember

Whenever we remember

The way we were

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Re: @COF Archive question.
« Reply #2 on December 11, 2018, 12:41:11 PM »

LOL Thanks. It's quite a task and we're pretty productive with our music making and chatter!

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