When a man lies, 
he murders some part of the world. 
These are the pale deaths, which men miscall their lives.
All this I cannot bear to witness any longer; 
cannot the kingdom of salvation take me home?

Author Topic: Stewmac Original Z File  (Read 62358 times)

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Offline LegalPERSON

Stewmac Original Z File
« Opened on December 08, 2018, 13:15:16 PM »

For anyone that does, or is thinking about doing their own fret work: the Original Z File is about as fool proof as it gets for re crowning your leveled frets. Now you can do immaculate work with a 3 corner file, but it’s a skill that takes time to get repeatable results.

The channel in the Z File is angled in such a way that the File never comes in contact with the top of the fret. This is crucial, because if you nick the top, you have to re level all the frets; or best case, create a “fall away” if it happens to be high up the board.

There are 3 Z Files available from Stewmac. I only have the original; but I imagine the other 2 are just as awesome for their purpose. There are a few easily searchable YT vids for anyone interested in more info. Cost is roughly $100, and is well worth it if you maintain multiple guitars.

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Re: Stewmac Original Z File
« Reply #1 on December 09, 2018, 13:10:37 PM »


(Feel free to link to sites. Hell, feel free to use affiliate links, if you want. I have ZERO problem with that. I also have ZERO problem with people promoting their own goods and services.)

Come to think of it, I should write a sticky post about promotions and affiliate links. They are fine here, so long as the user is an active participant and the goal is sharing information. Hell, you can even promote your albums and shit here. Yeah, I should formalize this and put it in writing.

I'll add it to my to-do list, though I won't be touching that list until probably January.

See the related projects: Music For Us & My Personal Upload Site!
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