"Standing on a hill in my mountain of dreams,
Telling myself it's not as hard, hard, hard as it seems

Author Topic: 12.16.2022 FNGT Archives - 2022.  (Read 5566 times)

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12.16.2022 FNGT Archives - 2022.
« Opened on April 24, 2023, 01:30:35 AM (Edited May 13, 2023, 19:33:01 PM) »

   It's the Friday Night Guitar Thread! Let's make some music and share it with the world. All instruments are welcome, any skill level, any songs. Make it hip and snappy so we all get to singing and dancing along. Everyone is welcome. Now get on in here!

  Grandmacaesar  Hi guys, I hope all is well.  I started this song about two hours ago, just started stackin' tracks till I was happy with it.  It's named for a lost night in Portland when I couldn't find the fuckin' parkin' garage where I parked my car.  I growled at people to make 'em think I was one of them.  Vicodin Pub Crawl

  TheBuddha  Anyhow, I have something special (or not) that I don't think any of you have heard before. This is a BDE (band) recording and I can't be certain about the origin. It was either a soundboard recording at a live show, or was from a rehearsal session. The date on it tells me that it was probably live and I was probably seated for the show (as my femur was still really fucked up at the time).

  Alas, my voice isn't quite right. I like to think I did it justice, but there's at least a couple mistakes. I use pedals to add effects to my voice and I was slow getting to them twice. That's another clue that it was live and seated, though I seem to recall doing the middle of that session standing? I'm really not sure what went on, as it was that long ago and I was really high on opiates still. It was definitely against doctor's orders, but the show must go on!  BDE - Creep (Radiohead cover)

  hit-n-run  I saw this video on Voat back in the day. I loved the song. Learned it off the video. Should have been a top 40 hit but I guess it wasn't politically correct. Gnome sayin'?  Send 'em all back to Africa

  booper  Anybody feel me on this?  booper's song

  Crazy  Hello everybody. My friend Chris came over earlier this week and we jammed out for a while. Here is our version of Up On Cripple Creek

  Crazy  Here is a song that I don't remember who did it but its a real cool song. This Is Satori?


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Re: 12.09.2022 FNGT Archives - 2022.
« Reply #1 on May 02, 2023, 23:45:26 PM »

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