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12.09.2022 FNGT Archives - 2022


   That's right, it's Friday night. That means it's time for the Friday Night Guitar Thread! Put some pants on, or not, and come dance the night away with music crafted by your Poalr Bear peers!    TheBuhdda Hello and welcome to another Friday Night Guitar Thread! Like normal, we're gonna go ahead and get you started!  So, I think I have something new - or very, very rarely heard. Don't worry, you'll like it - I hope...  This track isn't me. It's not Biff. It does contain J, presumably on keys or maybe doing rhythm guitar. I'm not sure, because I was not there. This is a track from BDE on a night when I wasn't with them.  That's where this track came from. It's a shitty cell phone recording, but it's still awesome.  AC_DC - It's A Long Way To The Top (full band w_o david)  Rock on, Poalr Bears! Rock on!    hit-n-run  Hey man. I love this song. It's a song from back in the day by Glen Campbell. About June Cleaver type. A housewife from another time when they had housewives and nuclear family households and that kinda stuff.  Dreams of the Everyday Housewife    Grandmacaesar  Hi all!  Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!  I put this together this afternoon.  It's sloppy but I had fun with it.  Cat Flies  Now I've gotta head out for a late dinner date.  Be back in a bit.    Crazy  Here is a song that I wrote and sang all at once all drunk one night. I think someone was trying to tell me what I could or could not do. I'm a Man    Hello everybody and happy birthday to me! Fuck you! I'm a Rock Star    TheBuhdda  I am so glad you turned that into a song. LOL Fuck you, I'm a rock star!  Happy Birthday

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