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11.04.2022 FNGT Archives - 2022


   Guess what? Chicken butt! Ha! Just kidding. It's Friday night and that means it's time for another Friday Night Guitar Thread. Come join in the merriment and rock out with your peers!    TheBuhdda  Hello and welcome to another FNGT! Like normal, we'll go ahead and get you started.  This week's track is an original, so you'll probably appreciate it more than some of our covers. This one took some effort and had some different recording techniques used.  Still Pictures In Motion (The Usual Suspects)  Enjoy and rock on Poalr Bears! Rock on!    Minimalarch  Wrote a song about my last dirtbike ride at track Tune full step down 435hz capo on 5th fret I believe is f maybe    Grandmacaesar  I recorded this to my phone a few minutes ago.  It's another Pixies cover.  This one is from their first album. Cactus    Crazy  When those two guys I had just met were here some other friends of ours who were listening to us play asked us to play a song that they might know. The drummer was taking a cigarette break so me and the guitar playing singer guy did this song. I thought his voice sounds really great. Wagon Wheel    My buddy Chris stopped over and jammed with me this past week as well. Here is us playing Linda Lovelace    Last weekend some friend of my girlfriend had some friends of hers that were musicians and they had heard about me from my girlfriend or something and they wanted to come over to my house and jam with me. They want to start a band. So what the hell. One of them is a drummer and guitar player and the other one plays guitar and sings. So we got everything hooked up and set up and I hit record and the drummer guy said All right, lets go

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