"Then she looks up at the building And says she's thinkin' of jumping. she says She's tired of life, she must be tired of something."
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This week's FNGT URLs: https://voat.co/v/guitar/3930155
@TheBuddha (The Biff and TheBuddha Band w/ J)
Metallica - Wherever I May Roam
Metallica - Wherever I May Roam (B #3 & 4; J B & K; TB #1, 2, 5 & P)
Clyp.it link - Metallica_-_Wherever_I_May_Roam__B_#3___4;_J_B___K;_TB_#1,_2... - Clyp
Chris Stapleton - Broken Halos
Broken Halos - Chris Stapleton cover on the porch with nature, one take
A Copy of Nothing
Copy O Nothing
174 comments @ 7.24.2020
Thread opened by @TheBuddha