And of all the comrades that e'er I had They are sorry for my going away And all the sweethearts that e'er I had They would wish me one more day to stay
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This week's FNGT URL:
@MrHarryReems (with @TheOldMick)
Queen Mary's Escape
Queen mary's escape
La Dolce
ChrisCarr - La Dolce
ChrisCarr - Aldonza
@crazy_eyes (with friends)
Monty Python - Sit on my Face
I Scream Trucks Song by SMU
She Said
she said by SMU
Cold Taco
cold taco by SMU
Only So Long
Only So Long by SMU
Hank Williams - Hey Good Lookin'
Hey Good Lookin' by SMU
Drum Solo Tune
Drum Solo Tune by SMU
Very Silly Songs Part 1
Very silly songs pt 1
For You
for you by SMU
@Epictetus_Hierapolis (submitted a friends song)
Eric Magnusson - Been One Hell of a Ride
Jazz standard (Marks/Simons) - All Of Me
All of Me
Bad Fish
Bad Fish by Sidewalk Trio
Spicy Mustard
Spicy mustard
Friday Take 1
@TheBuddha (Eldest Hoodlum and TheBuddha Band)
Staind - Outside
Staind - outside (eh & tb)
285 comments @ 11.25.18
Thread opened by @MrHarryReems